Peaceful Heritage

Bounty Peach


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Not Available in 2025.  A superior peach for the Mid-Atlantic region with excellent quality! Its real peachy flavor and sweetness bring back memories of the way peaches used to taste. Performs particularly well in the mid-Atlantic region because of it’s resistant to bacterial leaf spot and is more winter-hardy than Loring. Freestone. Ripens in early August, toward the end of Redhaven season. This variety has become an important commercial variety in the Mid-Atlantic region. Bounty was developed at the USDA peach breeding program at Kearneysville, West Virginia. Produces very large and freestone peaches with exceptional quality. The trees are vigorous, very productive and resistant to bacterial spot. ALL OUR PEACHES ARE CERTIFIED VIRUS-FREE STOCK. CANNOT SHIP TO CA, WA, OR.

All of our peach trees are FIELD-GROWN for high-quality and have excellent, robust, natural root systems.

Mid-late Season ripening.

Uses: Fresh eating, canning, drying.

Resistant to: Frost damage/late freezes, browning and bacterial spot.

Pollination: Self-pollinating but better fruit set with other peaches present.

Plant Size: 1-Year 3-4 ft tall Bare-Root Tree

Rootstock: Guardian TM

Our peaches fruit very quickly in only 2 seasons from planting under good conditions.

Zones 6-9

Conventionally Grown