Mulberry Trees For Sale

Mulberries are one of the most underrated edible tree fruits in America!

If you are looking for an excellent, extremely healthy, delicious fruit on a no-work, care-free fruit tree than you have found it. Imagine a tree that grows blackberries! Easy to grow and problem free once established. Will produce fruit 1-2 seasons from planting! Afraid of purple fruit stains? Plant our completely non-staining white mulberries!

We have been identifying and collecting wild specimens from the abundant wild lands and urban settings of Kentucky, where mulberries grow by the millions. With this much genetic diversity to choose from, we have selected a few outstanding selections, and now offer them in our nursery!

On Growing Mulberries
People around the world that need to eat, love mulberries. They are widely cultivated in India and the Middle East. As I witnessed on a trip to India, there are even mulberry groves planted in the Vedic gardens of the Taj Mahal! Jesus mentions mulberry trees in His parables. He mentions belief and trust in Him can uproot a problem even as tenaciously rooted in your heart as a mulberry tree. If you have ever seen the bright orange, extensive and extremely tenacious root system of a mulberry tree (and tried to remove it) you might understand better this parable.

If you have never had mulberries, they are very similar to blackberries but softer, sweeter and more melting. They make fantastic pies, berry bars, jams and other sweets, and also wine. They can be cut 50/50 with black raspberries or blackberries in recipes. They dehydrate well (and still turn mouths purple, unless you are drying and eating white mulberries). They are so soft and perishable they never became a marketable fruit, but that does not matter to the home-grower. Birds like mulberries but there always seems to be enough for everyone. They are also considered “protector trees” because birds prefer them over cherries and other berries (animals know a healthy food when they sense it!)

White mulberries are more mild in flavor, sweet and less desirable to birds. They also are non-staining and make a superb dried fruit.

Speaking of animals, mulberries makes a very useful and practical natural feed for chickens, pigs and goats. They can be planted (in protective cages at first) directly in chicken runs where they will thrive and produce lots of berries which make a high-protein, free, organic chicken feed and dense shade. The branches can be coppiced for goat feed, and pigs also like to eat the berries under the trees.

Mulberries are naturally very resistant to insect damage, diseases, fungus and deer. They are about the easiest fruit tree you could ever grow; adapting to extreme circumstances quite easily, and so are ideal for people looking for very low or even no-maintenance fruit trees for either human food or animal feed, or wildlife. They grow extremely rapidly and will fruit in 1-2 years from planting. The late-blooming flowers resist frost damage most years. They will live for many decades under suitable conditions. Pruning consists only of keeping the trees smaller by lopping off tops (if desired) and removing dead twigs and branches as they appear. However, no pruning is necessary.

The best way to harvest mulberries is to lay clean tarps under a ripe tree and give it a few strong shakes. Any ripe berries thus fall on the tarp and can be collected and separated from twigs and leaves. Use, cook or freeze the same day or next day. An easy and enjoyable harvest!

Although some people don’t like the purple stains on children’s hands from mulberries, we think children’s hands SHOULD be stained with berry juice, don’t you think?

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