Peaceful Heritage

Romanian Red Garlic (seed bulbs) – NATURALLY GROWN



An incredible, extremely rare garlic cultivar from Romania. We’ve trialed a number of garlic varieties over the years, and after testing this one for about 3-4 years it’s clear it’s the best one we’ve trialed, and does great in the Mid Atlantic. It’s vigorous and grows robustly, with bright green, tall tops. The bulbs are medium-large, averaging 4-5 very plump cloves. It stores all winter into early summer. Disease resistant. And, the FLAVOR! Sweet yet pungent, but not hot. Perfect balance of pungent and sweet, with great fragrance. A little goes a long way with this one. Overwinters perfectly in our zone 6 climate. Aug-September is perfect timing for planting garlic. Harvest in Mid June-Early July when tops are about half dried and yellow. Cloves are white, with slight purple streaks on the papers. Hardneck. VERY LIMITED QUANTITIES!

1 Pound: About 6-8 bulbs

1/2 Pound: About 3-5 bulbs