Extremely sweet, luscious, classic heirloom Southern fig. An excellent cold hardy fig for the upper South also. In dry summer weather you can literally let the ripe figs partially dry on the tree, which makes them shrivel and become so syrupy, and nectar sweet you’ll hardly believe it! Likes hot summers. This old heirloom fig has passed the test of time with flying colors. Hardy, resilient, and productive, and does great in humid, wet summer areas like the Deep South and Mid-Atlantic. Along the Gulf areas, we have better choices but it does perform fairly well and is a traditional heirloom found there.
Needs winter protection in zone 6-7. Also known as “Blue Celeste,” “Sugar Fig,” “Malta,” “Honey,” possibly “Celestial,” and “Tennessee Mountain”. Thrives in zones 8-10. Roots are hardy to 0 F and will survive most any zone 6 winter with thick mulch on the roots, although if the trunk and branches do not survive, no figs will be produced. A classic, very nice fig indeed!
NATURALLY GROWN – no synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, fungicides, neo-nictinoids, or other pesticides or toxic ag chemicals used at our nurseryÂ
Size at maturity: 8-15′, depending on location, climate and care.
Pollination: This fig requires no pollination in order to set fruit.
Resistant to: Figs are known for remarkable disease and insect resistance. Ants can get interested in figs and heavy rains can make the current figs rot, so keep well-picked. Figs continue to put on new fruit constantly until frost.
Hardiness: USDA zones 7b-10. Winter protection in zone 6-7 recommended.
Plant size: CHOOSE SIZE. Bare-Root shipped February-April. May-October shipped potted in special tree pots.
“…Thank you for the fig plants. They looked great, strongly rooted and ready to grow, which they’re doing now.”
-Lee Reich Ph.D- Famous author on growing fruit, renowned fruit grower, and organic gardener