Limited Supply! You all asked for them, and we got ’em! We offer Castanea dentata American chestnut seedlings from open-pollinated nuts collected from large (60+ ft tall) 50-year-old surviving trees at the Lesesne State Forest American chestnut conservation area. Although they come from a stand containing only wild-type American chestnuts, their pedigree cannot be guaranteed because they are open-pollinated (male parent unknown). May have some low level of blight resistance, some may survive long enough to produce seed and reach size similar to parent trees. All are likely to become infected with the blight and many may survive only a short time (1-5 years). This is the reality with American chestnut trees, but for those interested you can give them a try!
CANNOT SHIP TO: Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, California, Florida, Oregon, or Washington.
Recommended for ORGANIC GROWING
Uses: Edible nuts, shade, reforestation, deer attractant, timber.
Pollination: More than 1 American Chestnut seedling needed for cross-pollination or no nuts will set. Must be planted 20-30ft apart. Bundles include either 2, 5, 10, or 25 trees so cross-pollination is covered
Plant Size: 18″-24″ Tall Bare-Root 1-YR tree
Zones 4-9