An important species of oak in the white oak group. Good acorn mast for deer. It is native to the eastern United States, where it is one of the most important ridgetop trees from southern Maine southwest to central Mississippi, with an outlying northwestern population in southern Michigan. A strong, mighty tree of the Eastern forests, and one that has many important uses. Also good for reforestation and wildlife. Field grown from KY collected seed. ‘Quercus montana’.
Recommended for Organic Growing
Uses: Acorn mast, Windbreak, excellent high value lumber, wildlife, reforestation. Edible, delicious nuts. Medicinal compounds in leaves and nut hulls.
Blooms: Blooms late and avoids frosts. Begins blooming about 4-5 years from planting.
Disease resistant species.
Native USA Tree.
Plant Size: 1-YR, Approximately 1-2′ Tall bare-root, field-grown seedlings