A new, exciting fig with outstanding cherry flavor! ‘Cherry Cordial’ is a gourmet fig variety that has complex berry flavors. ‘Cherry Cordial’ figs have a pronounced cherry flavor with hints of raspberry. The medium-sized figs ripen with a dark purple exterior and deep red interior. They have a soft, thin skin which makes them great to eat raw just picked.
Discovered in Santa Barbara, California as a seedling growing under a palm tree, and has since become a hot item amongst fig collectors. ‘Cherry Cordial’ fig trees tend to be water sensitive, and are noted to perform best when planted in the ground and supplied with drip irrigation. They may not perform as well in planted in pots with infrequent watering. Photo from:
NATURALLY GROWN – no synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, fungicides, neo-nictinoids, or other pesticides or toxic ag chemicals used at our nurseryÂ
Site requirements: Full sun location. Figs will grow in a range of soil types provided the planting location is well drained. Protected locations, such as on the South, East or West side of a building is ideal.
Size at maturity: 8-15′, depending on location, climate and care.
Pollination: This fig requires no pollination in order to set fruit. Fruits are seedless.
Resistant to: Splitting after rain. Figs are known for remarkable disease and insect resistance. Ants can get interested in figs and heavy rains can make the current figs rot, so keep well-picked. Figs continue to put on new fruit constantly until frost.
Hardiness: USDA zones 7-10. Winter protection in zone 6-7 recommended.
Plant size: CHOOSE SIZE. Bare-Root shipped February-April. May-October shipped potted in special tree pots.
“…Thank you for the fig plants. They looked great, strongly rooted and ready to grow, which they’re doing now.”
-Lee Reich Ph.D- Famous author on growing fruit, renowned fruit grower, and organic gardener