Peaceful Heritage

German White Garlic – (Seed Bulbs) NATURALLY GROWN



German White is a delicious, productive, and cold hardy garlic! This hardneck, porcelain type garlic has large, easy-to-peel cloves. The white skin on the German White has delicate purple stripes. This variety is one of the best garlics for flavor, but without the spiciness. It’s sweet, robust savory flavor will surely please. This garlic does well in practically any temperate climate! 

Planting Site:  Full sun to mostly full sun in well drained, loose, fairly fertile soil.  Raised beds work great.  Do not plant where it floods or will be in dense shade.  Plant from August-October depending on location.  In KY we plant in September,


1 Pound: About 6-9 bulbs

1/2 Pound: About 3-5 bulbs

Approximately 30-40 cloves per lb. 1 LB Plants 15-20 linear feet at 6” spacing.

Additional information


ONE POUND, 1/2 POUND, B-Grade Small Bulbs 1 POUND