Join the waitlist by choosing any size option! We hope to have these available again in 2025-26!
One of our favorites! Imagine juicy, flavorful blueberries with tiny almond-flavored seeds on a large leafy shrub and you have an image close to Juneberries (AKA serviceberries or saskatoons). Truly, the ornamental, native shrubs are beautiful and the very nutrient-dense fruit can be amazingly delicious, at best a complex, rich sweet flavor reminiscent of dark cherries, almonds, concord grape, and blueberries combined. They are more nutritious than most blueberries. Çold-hardy and very easy to grow when provided with a full sun location and well-draining soil. Also a great native and wildlife species. The pink, ripening to dark purple berries of this Juneberry are especially delicious with excellent flavor, and the production is heavy.
The particular strain we offer was discovered by us in Louisville, KY. They are a line propagated from various specimens.  It seems to be resistant to Cedar Apple Rust which suggests it is Amelanchier canadensis and not A. alniolia. Why the name ‘Braveheart’? We discovered the grove of these bushes the day before my 3 year-old son was to have his 4th heart surgery in Louisville, for which he was very brave. This is one of our favorite items.
Here’s a link to more information on Juneberries:Â
NATURALLY GROWN – no synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, fungicides, neo-nictinoids, or other pesticides or toxic ag chemicals used at our nurseryÂ
Uses: Fresh eating, jams, baking, smoothies, desserts.
Recommended for ORGANIC GROWING
Pollination: Self-Pollinating
Resistant to: Winter cold, cedar apple rust, insects. Susceptible to birds, so bird netting may be required.
Plant Size: 1-Year approximately 1-2′ Potted Plant with excellent root system.
Zones 4-8