Want to grow organic grapes? Mrs. Munson vines are extremely productive and free from diseases. This one has performed the very best thus far in our Munson grape trials on our farm. Grape clusters are medium large, grapes are medium to small, dark purple almost black. An excellent fresh eating grape as well as a valuable grape for wine. Excellent flavor similar to ‘Concord’.
A superior variety for the South, which is difficult grape growing territory. Late flowering. Extremely disease resistant. This grape is part of a new series of extremely disease resistant 1800’s heirloom ‘Munson’ grapes we are offering for those needing to grow organic grapes without chemicals. Check these ‘Munson’ grapes out! Rare. CANNOT SHIP TO CA, WA, OR.
NATURALLY GROWN – no synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, fungicides, neo-nictinoids, or other pesticides or toxic ag chemicals used at our nurseryÂ
Uses: Excellent fresh eating, juicing.
Pollination: Grapes do not need pollination in order to set full crops.
Resistant to: Extremely resistant to fruit rots and black rot, mildew, fungus and insects.
Plant Size: 1 YR, 1-2′ bare-root vines with excellent root systems.
Zones 5-8 (estimate)
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