Peaceful Heritage

America Grape – Naturally Grown


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Want to grow organic grapes? Check out this Munson heirloom ‘America’  grape!  In our trials it has been the best overall performer in our Munson grape trial.  Growth and disease resistance is very strong. Exceptionally good flavor, skin is thin and tender, but does not crack; pulp melting, juicy, easily freeing the slender seeds; when fully ripe, very rich in sugar. Has a very distinct delicious concord, “Welch’s grape juice” flavor, yet not “foxy”, making a good combination market and wine grape. Juice intensely violet red. A very good port wine has been made from it without “fortifying”. Ripens for us in KY around late August to early September.

Ripens at Denison, Texas, July 20th to August 1st. Very prolific with long arm pruning and when pollenized by other varieties, as it does not thoroughly pollenize itself. Has passed through -27 degrees F without damage. Not attacked by mildew, rot or leaf-folder, and has given excellent results in California as a resistant graft stock for Vinifera varieties. Adapted South and North. Plant 12 to 14 feet apart. Perfect flower. Extremely disease resistant. This grape is part of a new series of extremely disease resistant “Munson” grapes we are offering for those needing to grow organic grapes without chemicals. Check these Munson grapes out! Extremely rare. CANNOT SHIP TO CA, OR, WA.

NATURALLY GROWN – no synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, fungicides, neo-nictinoids, or other pesticides or toxic ag chemicals used at our nursery 

Uses: Excellent fresh eating, juicing.

Pollination: Grapes do not need pollination in order to set full crops.

Resistant to: Extremely resistant to fruit rots and black rot, mildew, fungus.  Like all grapes, it is susceptible to Japanese beetles and grape flea beetle.

Plant Size: 1 YR, approximately 12-24″ bare-root vines with excellent root systems.

Zones 5-8 (estimate)