Peaceful Heritage

Ouachita Blackberry – Bundles


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Great flavor and production on this time-tested US release! Very productive, medium to large fruit, sweet, firm berries on a thornless erect vine. ‘Ouachita’ Ripens around June 15th in KY. Suitable for fresh market or commercial shipping. Good disease resistance. Very erect, free standing plant that will bridge the gap between ‘Arapaho’ and ‘Navaho’. Forth release of patented thornless blackberry from the University of Arkansas. All our blackberries are FIELD-GROWN which produces very large, healthy root systems for healthy and rapid establishment and growth.  Pronounced “Oh Wah Chi Tah”

The berry breeders at UA say Oauchita might be their overall very best variety of blackberry and is considered the standard by which all the others are judged.

Recommended for ORGANIC GROWING

Uses: Excellent fresh eating, cobblers, pies, smoothies, jams, excellent wine.

Ripens: Early Season (Around mid-June in KY).

Pollination: Self-pollinating but better yields with other blackberry varieties present.

Resistant to: Disease resistant. Resistant to Botrytis and Orange Rust.

Crops in one year from planting!

Plant Size: 1 Year, 12-18″ tall Field-Grown plants with excellent root systems. CHOOSE BUNDLE SIZE

Zones 5-8

Conventionally Grown

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