Save the monarch butterflies! Impressive circular clusters of lilac-scented blooms. The flowers can vary in color from nearly white to deep pink-purple. These are from purple flowered native KY strains. The fragrance is very delicate and pleasing and numerous native pollinators will benefit during its long bloom time.
Monarch butterflies lay their eggs exclusively on milkweed plants, making milkweed the only food source for their larvae. Once found in abundance in nearly every farm field, ditch, and disturbed site, common milkweed numbers have been in drastic decline in recent decades, due to GMO agriculture and the subsequent much increased herbicide use. It spreads readily by seed and underground rhizomes and its taproot can withstand drought. Common Milkweed is one of the easiest and fastest to establish of the milkweeds. Perfect for native butterfly gardens.
3-Cell pack of 5-12″ plants