Interested in hardy passionfruit but want to grow from seed and not plants? We offer the EXACT SAME GENETICS of our Hardy Passionfruit plants (Passiflora incarnata), now as seeds. These are the same seeds we use to start our plants. Our seeds are untreated, cold-stratified and require no special treatments (ready to GROW!).
Passionfruit vines, being hardy natives, are highly resistant to insects or disease, and our special strain is quite productive of delicious fruits. The vines grow vigorously and will soon rapidly climb and create a stunning ornamental cover for arbors, fences, decks, etc, making a wonderful natural screen and shade. The flowers begin to come on around July-August and are just stunning.
One vine typically produces about 15-20 fruits per season, ripening from September-November. The vines and leaves are a potent natural relaxant and sleep aid and sold in the health food industry for that use. Plants vines about 3-4 feet apart early in the season, right after all danger of frost. Very winter hardy once established. By mid autumn the upper vine portion dies back to the ground. The following spring it will resprout from the roots, vine out, flower and fruit again, thus it is a PERENNIAL. In Zones 9-10 may become a permanent woody vine. Will flower and fruit usually the same year of planting if planted in spring. These seedlings come from superior fruiting vines of excellent quality, size and flavor and represent much better than average genetics. These are Passiflora incarnata. See photos.
NATURALLY GROWN Seed grown at Peaceful Heritage Nursery in zone 6 Kentucky.
Resistant to: Highly resistant to insects and disease in general. Watch out for Japanese beetles, which can sometimes eat the flowers.
Pollination: Self-Pollinating
Approximately 20 Seeds per packet or 100 Seeds per packet (CHOOSE SIZE)
Zones 5b-10
ID and WA orders require a small shipping fee.