Peaceful Heritage

Royalty Purple Raspberry Bundles



‘Royalty’ purple raspberry is am amazing cross between red and black raspberries.  Grows tall and upright like a red raspberry.  This large fruited, sweet berry has a dual picking time – the full red stage with real red raspberry flavor and the fully ripe stage where it nearly equals a black raspberry. The strong raspberry aroma is preserved in processing.  Berries are soft, velvety and full of amazing flavor!  NON-GMO, as are ALL of our products. Cannot ship to CA, OR, WA.

Recommended for ORGANIC GROWING

Resistant to: Insects, floricane (early) crop dodges the SWD fruit flies.

Site Requirements: Full sun for best yields.  Well-drained, rich soil is a must.  Raised beds work well.

Pollination: Self Pollinating

Plant Size: 1-2 FT Tall Bare-Root Plant, CHOOSE BUNDLE SIZE

Zones 4-8 (zone 8 with shade and irrigation)

Conventionally Grown

Additional information


2 Plant Bundle, 10 Plant Family Patch