Award winning raspberry! Joan J is a thornless, high yielding, early fall-bearing primocane. Everbearing, so can produce a spring and fall crop. Ripens 10 to 14 days before Heritage raspberry. Berries are large and firm with excellent flavor. Well suited to marketing and shipping. Yields have been very high on this variety, makes an early June crop if left through the winter and not mowed down.
Recommended for ORGANIC GROWING
Resistant to: Insects, floricane (early) crop dodges the SWD fruit flies.
Site Requirements: Full sun for best yields. Well-drained, rich soil is a must. Avoid wet, low areas. Raised beds work well.
Pollination: Self Pollinating
Plant Size: 1-2 FT Tall Bare-Root Plant, CHOOSE BUNDLE SIZE
Zones 5-7 (zone 8 with shade and irrigation)
Conventionally Grown