Peaceful Heritage

Double Gold Yellow Raspberry Bundles – NEW!!!



‘Double Gold’ raspberry is a flavorful and beautiful berry, vigorous, and disease resistant. ‘Double Gold’ produces a deeply blushed, golden champagne-colored fruit with a distinctive conical shape. The “double” in its name is for its two harvests per season. The first year of planting, the initial crop is produced in the fall on the tips of current year’s canes (primocanes), and a second crop is produced farther down the same canes the following summer (primocanes). ‘Double Gold’ has been a favorite in taste tests. Fruit is too delicate for long distance shipping, so it’s a better good choice for home gardeners. ‘Double Gold’ is resistant to Phytophthora root rot, as well as most of the common leaf diseases. Zone 5-8   Cannot ship to CA, OR, WA.

Recommended for ORGANIC GROWING

Resistant to: Insects, floricane (early) crop dodges the SWD fruit flies.

Site Requirements: Full sun for best yields.  Well-drained, rich soil is a must.  Raised beds work well.

Pollination: Self Pollinating

Plant Size: 1-2 FT Tall Bare-Root Plant, CHOOSE BUNDLE SIZE

Zones 4-8 (zone 8 with shade and irrigation)

Conventionally Grown

Additional information


2 Plant Bundle, 10 Plant Family Patch