AU-Roadside is a newer sweet fresh eating plum variety developed by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University. Perfect for backyard or small farm use! AU-Roadside has proven its ability to produce high yields of excellent quality fruit where there are problems with plum tree diseases. Performs better in the South than Ozark Premier. AU-Roadside was selected from a cross between Ozark Premier and Methley varieties. It has resistance or tolerance to black knot, bacterial canker, bacterial fruit spot, and plum leaf scald. Such resistance is particularly important in the Southeast where prevalence of these diseases and susceptibility of commercial varieties has discouraged plum production. Its resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases came from the Ozark Premier parent, while excellent fruit quality was inherited from both parents. CANNOT SHIP TO CA, WA, OR.
All of our plum trees are FIELD-GROWN for high-quality and have excellent, robust, natural root systems.
Recommended for ORGANIC GROWING.
Uses: Fresh eating, canning, marketing.
Resistant to: Highly resistant to: bacterial canker, bacterial fruit and leaf spot, and plum leaf scald. Somewhat resistant to brown rot.
Rootstock: Halford
Plant Size: 1-Year. 2-3 foot tall Bare-Root Tree
Pollination: Any other AU-Series or Methley plum will pollinate it.
Zones 6-8 Needs at least 700 chill hours.
Conventionally Grown