We’ve trialed over 6-7 varieties of kale over the years, especially when we were market farming and growing kale as a staple. Of all the kales we have grown, ‘White Russian’ is simply the best. Why? First, it has the best flavor. Second, it grows all summer long in the Kentucky heat, and under cover all winter long! All year long kale! The leaves are large, and we have selected for not only large tasty leaves but overwintering ability. We only save seed from the biggest, healthiest overwintered planted in zone 6 KY, where winters are plenty cold. If you want to grow organic homegrown kale, this is it! Best sowed in August-September or March-April. We always sow it around Mid-August and it is mature by October.
Approximately 30-40 seeds per packet
FREE SHIPPING ON SEEDS! ID and WA orders require a small shipping fee.