A high quality and productive new mulberry introduced to us by Zev from Earthaven Ecovillage in Asheville, NC! This is a hardy and resilient chance seedling alba mulberry discovered in West Asheville, North Carolina by Zev and his friends. It is highly productive of delicious black fruit in abundance. We are new to this variety but look forward to watching it in action! Only a few available, and will not be available again until 2026 or later.
NATURALLY GROWN – no synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, fungicides, neo-nictinoids, or other pesticides or toxic ag chemicals used at our nurseryÂ
Uses: Fresh eating, good for jams and cooking also.
Resistant to: Mulberries are remarkably free of disease and insects.
Site Selection: Well-drained soil and full sun.
Pollination: This mulberry requires no pollination in order to set fruit.
Zone 7-9 (estimate)
Plant size: Tall Tree pot, (bare-root in winter/spring) 18-24″ tall