An excellent, native, edible nut producing tree related to pecan. Easy, resilient, and moderately fast growing. The copious nuts are hard-shelled, high protein, and delicious. Interplanting with our black locust trees would increase walnut growth rate. A strong, mighty tree of the Eastern forests, and one that has many important uses. Also good for reforestation and wildlife. Field grown from KY collected seed.
Recommended for Organic Growing
Uses: Windbreak, excellent high value lumber, wildlife, reforestation. Edible, delicious nuts. Medicinal compounds in leaves and nut hulls.
Blooms: Blooms late and avoids frosts. Begins blooming about 5-10 years from planting.
Disease resistant species.
Native USA Tree.
Plant Size: 1-YR, Approximately 1-2′ Tall bare-root, field-grown seedlings
Conventionally Grown