Check out this heirloom “Gold Coin!” 1885. (Norton x Martha). Delicious very sweet flavor similar to muscadine grape. Always sets a crop of well-filled grape clusters. Berries large, globular, yellowish when fully ripe, persistent; skin thin and flexible, never cracks, and rarely attacked by rot or birds; pulp melting. Very handsome in the basket and markets excellently; has always been very profitable. Endures all extremes of climate well. Favorable reports of it from all parts of south, and as far north as 40 degrees latitude. Eight to ten feet long arms. Requires good soil cultivation and fertilization to maintain its vigor. Perfect flower. Extremely disease resistant.
This grape is part of a new series of extremely disease resistant “Munson” grapes we are offering for those needing to grow organic grapes without chemicals. Check these Munson grapes out! Extremely rare. CANNOT SHIP TO CA, WA, OR.
NATURALLY GROWN – no synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, fungicides, neo-nictinoids, or other pesticides or toxic ag chemicals used at our nursery
Uses: Excellent fresh eating, juicing.
Pollination: Grapes do not need pollination in order to set full crops.
Resistant to: Extremely resistant to fruit rots and black rot, mildew, fungus and insects.
Plant Size: 1 YR, approximately 2′ bare-root vines with excellent root systems.
Zones 5-8 (estimate)