‘Wyldewood’ is highly productive of large berries. Outproduces most older varieties with it’s massive sprays of hundreds of very plump high-quality elderberries. Much bigger than wild berries! Perfect for backyard growers and processors alike. STRONGLY ANTIVIRAL MEDICINAL BERRIES.
For elderberry growers: ‘Wyldewood’ has been under observation and testing since 1998 at two locations in Missouri: the Missouri State University State Fruit Experiment Station at Mountain Grove and the University of Missouri Southwest Research Center at Mount Vernon. Consistent superior performance prompted the release of this cultivar. ‘Wyldewood’ blooms in June in Missouri, and the florets are easily removed from the cyme for use as a dried product or as a flavoring. Harvest usually begins in late July in Missouri and Kentucky. Plants that are pruned to the ground in spring produce primary shoots that ripen fruit over a 3-week period, allowing for the harvest of the majority of the fruit in three harvests at 7-day intervals. Unpruned plants ripen fruit over a 4-week period (Thomas, 2009) This elderberry was identified and collected from the wild by Jack Millican in 1995 near the community of Brush Hill in east central Oklahoma.
If heavy fruit production is your goal, consider planting Wyldewood and Bob Gordon together.
Pollination: Any other elderberry cultivar or seedling will pollinate this elderberry.
Site requirements: Full sun location for best flower and berry production. Elderberries will grow in a range of soil types. Elderberries are unique in that they will thrive in moist and even poorly-drained locations. Likes a well drained or a slightly moist site, but will grow on drier sites as well. Important to control weeds when establishing.
Size at maturity: 8-10′ tall and wide.
Resistant to: Very insect and disease resistant in general. Deer resistant.
Hardiness: USDA zones 4-10.
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Current Winter 2025 stock is Conventionally Grown