Marge Elderberry will be back Summer 2024!
STRONGLY ANTIVIRAL MEDICINAL BERRIES. WOW! Self-pollinating elderberry, so only one plant is necessary for fruit production. The berries are much larger than many of the American varieties and ‘Marge’ is also self-pollinating so only one plant is necessary for fruit production. Very vigorous and fast grower. Flowers form on last year’s woody growth, so fruit will usually form the second year after planting. Currently being trialed by commercial elderberry growers with excellent results so far! Upright, non-suckering growth makes it easier to grow. Cross between the American Sambucus canadensis and the European Sambucus nigra, with very large berries, high production and self-pollinating. Does well in the Midwest. Excellent new cultivar!
Other attributes:
-As with most European genotypes, ‘Marge’ does not fruit on first-year wood, so be patient, but it is worth the wait as future yields outperform the North American varieties.
– In Missouri, ‘Marge’ achieved budbreak later (always a good thing), flowered earlier, suffered less Eriophyid mite damage, was taller, produced larger berries, and yielded significantly greater amounts of fruit compared with all eight American elderberry genotypes in the study. Fruit harvest occurred at about the same time as most American genotypes.” ref: NIH article 2015
– USDA 3-8 (but trialing in zone 3 to see if it ripens before first frost)
Site Requirements: Full sun location for best flower and berry production. Elderberries will grow in a range of soil types. Elderberries are unique in that they will thrive in moist and even somwhat poorly-drained locations (but not a swamp plant!)Â Likes a well drained or a slightly moist site, but will grow on drier sites as well. Important to control weeds when establishing.
Plant Size: CHOOSE SIZE.
Zone: 4-9 (zone 3 on trial)
No synthetic chemicals or sprays used in our greenhouses.