Peaceful Heritage

Red Lake Currant


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A cold-hardy heirloom currant that is widely planted in the U.S. and Europe. The plants are fairly vigorous, very productive and grow to 3′-5′ tall. The berries are dark red, sub-acid (which means sweeter) and of high quality. As with all currants, ‘Red Lake’ benefits from afternoon shade in warmer climates like KY and TN. Although red currants are related to black currants they have a growth habit more like gooseberries and should follow the same planting and pruning advice.  Currants are not acclimated to the deep south, FL, etc.

Cold Hardy, Vigorous, Productive, High Quality Fruit.

Developed by the University of Minnesota at Excelsior and released in 1933. Moderately susceptible to powdery mildew.  Cold-hardy. Ripens in June or July. Self-pollinating.  CANNOT SHIP TO CA, OR

Recommended for ORGANIC GROWING

Uses: Fresh eating, juice, excellent jams, wine.

Disease Resistance: Generally easy to grow and with few problems.  Mildew on the leaves can be an issue if airflow is poor.

Pollination:  Self-pollinating

Site Requirements: Well-drained, rich soil.  Full sun in northern locations, partial shade or 1/2 day full sun in southern locations.  Not for intensely hot summer areas or Deep South growing.  Does well in Midwest, PNW, and Northern areas.

USDA Zones 4-8

Single Plant, 12-18 Inches tall. Shipped bare-root Feb-May.

Conventionally Grown