One of our best-tasting blueberries! Fruit is early, large and juicy, usually the first variety to ripen, O’Neal is considered by some to have the best flavor of all the Southern Highbush blueberries, with consistent quality throughout it’s extended harvest period. Summer foliage is an attractive gray-green accented with red stems and branches. Southern highbush blueberry, but fairly cold hardy. Heavily winter mulch in zones 5-6. Chill Hours: 400. Zones 5b-9
Recommended for ORGANIC GROWING
Pollination: Climax, Tifblue, Northern Highbush blueberries
Resistant to: SWD fruit flies, heat tolerant.
Plant Size: 2-Year 14-24″ Bare-Root Plant with excellent root system.
Zones 5b-9.