They’re BACK! ‘Von’, is a newer thornless blackberry release out of North Carolina University. Berries are large and fairly firm, with high yields and great flavor.  Grows vigorously on upright, semi-erect viney canes. Late ripening- a good choice to extend your blackberry season into August, maybe even September in some areas.
See it here:
Recommended for ORGANIC GROWING
Uses: Excellent fresh eating, cobblers, pies, smoothies, jams, excellent wine.
Ripens: Late Season (Around August- early September).
Site Requirements: Blackberries grow best in full sun. Well-draining, rich soil and a trellis support of some kind is a must. Avoid wet areas. Primocane blackberries do not handle intense late summer heat well.
Pollination: Self-pollinating but better yields with other blackberry varieties present.
Resistant to: Strongly disease resistant to orange rust and anthracnose.
Crops in one year from planting!
Plant Size: 1 Year, 12-18″ tall, field-grown bare-root plants. CHOOSE BUNDLE SIZE
Zones 6-9b
Conventionally Grown