Produces exceptionally sweet, very large (often HUGE) firm blackberries on new growth (primocanes) as well as last season’s growth (floricanes). Meaning, you can get 2 crops per summer, one in June and the 2nd crop in August! Or, after harvesting the primocane berries in August, you can mow the whole patch down in autumn and it will regrow the following spring and produce 1 crop per summer (again in August). Can’t get much easier than that. That’s the difference with Primocane blackberries. So, if winter damage or deer browsing in winter are concerns for you, primocanes might be the answer. Note: Primocane blackberries fail to produce a primocane crop in August if the weather is extremely hot or dry when they are flowering in July/early August.
Developed by the University of Arkansas. For an explanation of primocane blackberries see:,_j_-_blackberry_cultivar_development.pdf
Recommended for Organic Growing
Uses: Excellent fresh eating, cobblers, pies, smoothies, jams, excellent wine.
Pollination: Self-pollinating but optimum yields with other blackberry varieties present. Â
Resistant to: Resistant to Botrytis, Orange Rust and handles Anthracnose well. Floricane crop ripens before SWD pressure becomes heavy; primocane crop may have SWD pressure.Â
Plant Size: 1 Year, 12-18″ tall Field- Grown bare-root plants. CHOOSE BUNDLE SIZE
Crops potentially in one year from planting!
Zones 5-8
Conventionally Grown