Peaceful Heritage



When you want to plant some apple trees, you need to know 2 basic details:  What cultivar/variety and what rootstock.  Any reputable nursery will give full information on both of these aspects of the tree you are looking for.  The rootstock is a...
Unusual Fruits for the Organic Grower

Unusual Fruits for the Organic Grower

More and more of our clients are looking for fruits to grow organically, and for good reason.  Who wants to spray poisonous chemicals on their food?  I know we certainly do not. However, what many have found out the hard and expensive way, is, many types of...
Paw Paw Season is here!

Paw Paw Season is here!

With our early spring weather this year, pawpaws and other fruit are a tad earlier. Usually most pawpaws are just starting to ripen now in KY, but this year we’re already at the peak. And boy, is the quality GOOD this year! Wow. If you’re curious about...