Excellent newer cultivar that boasts strong production, medium-large fruit size (sometimes very large), excellent, outstanding flavor and thick avocado-like texture and a very attractive rounded fruit. At a recent taste taste KSU Benson TM rated very high for flavor and texture, and at our nursery, we really favor this obviously very superior variety. It is one of our favorites for flavor and texture; it has a rich sweetness and thick custardy texture with orange flesh and low seed weight. Flavor is reminiscent of tropical fruit, butternut squash and sweet persimmon. We are very excited to be one of the very few nurseries propagating and selling this exciting, premium-quality variety! Quantities VERY limited. The 2nd named selection from the Kentucky State University Pawpaw Breeding Program! One of our top choices for quality, although this one is possibly harder to establish and not the best choice for beginners.
Pollination: An Ultra-Select seedling pawpaw or any other grafted or seedling pawpaw tree will pollinate. For good pollination, plant trees 8-15 ft away from each other only. Pawpaws are not male and female, but rather have “male and female” flower parts on each flower. Every tree is capable of bearing fruit if pollinated well with pollen from another genetically different pawpaw tree. Hand pollination results in heaviest fruit set.
Resistant to: KSU Benson has shown better resistance to Phyllosticta Fungal Spot (black spots and cracking on fruits). Pawpaws in general show strong insect and disease resistance. See our FAQ for more info:
Ripening: Ripens EARLY-mid Season (Early September in KY)
Site requirements: Full sun location for best fruit production. Pawpaws will grow in shade but produce much less fruit. Pawpaws tolerate a range of soil types provided the planting location is well drained and there is heavy mulch and plenty of fertilizer and water. Protected locations, such as on the South, East or West side of a building is ideal on very windy sites are recommended.
Size at maturity: 15-20′ tall and wide, depending on location, care and pruning to reduce height. We recommend heading them at about 8-10 ft tall and removing suckers, both of which keep the trees very manageable and small.
Hardiness: USDA zones 5-9. (Estimate)
Plant size: Grafted, with an excellent root system. CHOOSE SIZE
Shipped March-June only. Sorry, we cannot ship POTTED pawpaws (June-July) to : CA, TX, AZ, NM, NV, OR, WA. We can ship them to these states bare-root when ordered in January-February (If Available).
No synthetic pesticides, fertilizers or chemicals are ever used on our pawpaw trees.