Peaceful Heritage

Contact Us

Email is the best way to get your questions answered.

Before giving us a call please check the faq and terms pages for common q & A!

phone hours are m-f between 10am-5pm and m-sat 9am-6pm from march-may.

Email Address



About Us

We are passionate about organic fruit growing, helping heal our planet and assisting communities grow quality food through providing educational resources, accurate information and superior quality plants for organic farming and gardening.

We are a small, 100% family-owned and 100% family-operated, Certified Organic, permaculture-oriented plant nursery located in Stanford, Kentucky, USA. We are a young husband and wife team and family farm business. The owner, Blake Cothron, has been gardening since the late 1990s and has been directly working with fruit trees extensively for over 16 years, and is a native of Kentucky. He also teaches occasional classes and workshops on growing organic fruit.