Peaceful Heritage


Hinnomaki Red Gooseberry



A delicious berry well suited to the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast and Midwest.  Delicious sweet-tart flavor and great crisp texture – not mushy.  Easy to harvest, less thorny than many others, and exceptionally large berries.  Excellent!  Outer skin is tangy while the flesh is sweet. Very productive with dark red medium marble-sized fruit (3.6g) on upright bushy, less-thorny plants. Favorite with home gardeners and very adaptable to various growing systems. Excellent for edible landscaping.  Could be adapted to machine harvest. Good mildew resistance. Begins fruiting one or two years from planting. Very easy to grow, great for beginners.  From Finland, does very well here in humid zone 6 KY.

Gooseberries tolerate light shade, and in very hot summer areas should be planted in partial shade or 1/2 day sun areas only. They are being grown successfully in the Midwest and Ontario under fruit and nut trees.  Cold-hardy. Ripens in June or July. Self-pollinating.  CANNOT SHIP TO CA, OR, MA, ME.

Recommended for ORGANIC GROWING

Uses: Fresh eating, juice, excellent jams, wine.

Ripening:  Early season, this one always ripens first for us, by late May-early June in KY.

Disease Resistance: Generally easy to grow and with few problems.  Mildew on the leaves can be an issue if airflow is poor.

Pollination:  Self-pollinating

Site Requirements: Well-drained, rich soil.  Full sun in northern locations, partial shade or 1/2 day full sun in southern locations.  Not for intensely hot summer areas or Deep South growing.  Does well in Midwest, PNW, and Northern areas.

Plant Size:  8-16″ Tall in 9″ Tree-Pot.  Shipped bare-root Feb-May.

USDA Zones 4-8

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1 Plant, 5 Plants