Peaceful Heritage Nursery owner Blake Cothron’s first published horticulture book is available NOW at AMAZON, Barnes and Noble, and other online book sellers. Please purchase a new copy on one of these websites! We no longer carry the book through our nursery.
Pawpaws: The Complete Growing and Marketing Guide By: Blake Cothron
Discover a fresh new offering for your farm or orchard business
Pawpaws is the first in-depth guide to small-scale commercial cultivation of pawpaws. Also known as Indiana bananas or hipster bananas, this almost forgotten fruit, native to North America, is making a huge comeback with foodies, chefs, craft brewers, and discerning fruit-lovers.
Written by, and for, the organic grower, coverage includes:
- Botany and the cultural history of pawpaws
- Orchard siting and planning
- Choosing the best-quality nursery trees
- Descriptions of over 50 cultivars
- Propagation and organic growing tips
- Pests and disease management
- Marketing and selling fresh pawpaws, seeds, and starts
- Processing and producing value-added products.
Get ahead of the farming curve, diversify your orchard or food forest, and discover the commercial potential of America’s almost forgotten native fruit with this comprehensive how-to manual to small-scale commercial pawpaw production. Pawpaws is an in-depth guide to growing and marketing North America’s forgotten native fruit at small commercial orchard scale. Coverage includes selecting cultivars, orchard planning, propagating, organic growing, pest management, harvesting, marketing, and value-added products.
- This book is a complete in-depth manual on growing pawpaw trees for small scale commercial growers
- Differs from other books on Pawpaws because it is a guide to commercial growing and marketing
- Author is the co-owner and operator of Peaceful Heritage Nursery, a USDA Certified Organic research farm and orchard.
- He has 20 years’ experience in organic agriculture, botany, and horticulture.
- He has nearly two decades working directly with fruit trees, focusing on Pawpaw trees, and has worked in communities across the US.
- He speaks widely on the topic of growing pawpaws and has instructional videos on YouTube.
- Pawpaws are the next hot item on the organic fruit scene.
- Called the hipster banana and the Indiana banana, pawpaws are a native North American fruit rapidly growing in renown and popularity.
- It is a low-input, easy-to-grow, highly marketable fruit.
- Covers their botany, cultural history, wild pawpaws, how to grow them organically; how to process, market, and sell the fruit successfully
- Comprehensive disease and pest management information
- Includes cultivar catalogue with over 50 cultivars described
- Illustrated with 40 beautiful photographs
- ISBN 9780865719552