Pink Berkeley Tie Dye Tomato Seeds – NATURALLY GROWN


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Want a CHAMPION tomato? Do you want the best tomatoes out there? PINK BERKELEY TIE DYE is not only productive and reliable, it has the best tomato flavor around. While not an heirloom tomato, is one of the very best tomato varieties available today. This one PERFORMS. On our Naturally Grown farm we’ve trialed over 30 heirloom and other tomatoes and narrowed it down to a very few, and this is one. We also trial them all in wet, humid conditions where tomatoes are challenging.

After years of our own selection process for disease resistance, productivity and crack resistance, we now have a CHAMPION tomato. Fruit are regularly close to or over one pound. Not only does Pink Berkeley make nice plump slicers, but this tomato is MEATY and has some of the very best tomato flavor around. Incredible! It is the very best flavored tomato we’ve ever grown, blowing Brandywine and Cherokee Purple way out of the water. In taste tests it beats any other variety it’s up against. Smoky, sweet, tangy, savory and just delicious. Has lovely metallic red streaks over a green background.

1/10 gram packet (approximately 20-30 seeds)

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